Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Raising your personal frequency

We all have a personal frequency that vibrates inside of us - the soul so to speak, and the outside of that becomes the aura.

There are varying degrees of vibration, in varying different people depending on a whole list of things.

Where you live
What you eat

Who you spend your time with

What you do in your spare time

You alcohol or drug intake

What music you listen to

Your socio economic leval

Your spiritual belief system or non belief

What you do for a living, and all the things that make you YOU.

........and so it goes on.

Whether the above is a positive or negitive it either raises or decreases your personal frequency vibration

I hope I am making sense!

So in the saying " Like Attracts Like" - only what is matching your personal frequency can be in your frequency.

If you want to raise it you will need to focus on upping your amp so to speak.


Unless we are vibrating on the knowing that we can manifest extremes levals of prosperity -we never will

Clairvoyants are born with a higher frequency so they can communicate with the deseased - the deceased lower their vibration to talk to us.

Practise everyday on upping your game, and you will reap the rewards of life!

With much love and high frequency to you!

Wendy Rosvall-Brookes

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Law of Vacume

I was reminded today of the Law of Vacume, which states that by universal law, that if there is a void made, it has to be filled -that is the law.

It is an interesting one to learn at this time, if things in your hologram (which is what life is - just a big mirror of your thinking and life value) of life apear to be in lack.

You can always trust the Universe to show you the next way, or are you in too much fear frequency to see?

That choice is yours

So if you lose your position at work, or your child moves out of home and leaves a free bedroom (Abby) the void left has to be filled.

Interesting work huh? - if you can stay in the frequency of deserving

Good Luck

Love to you
Wendy Rosvall-Brookes